The meaning of a patent can be understood in two senses. First, as a document that provides a detailed explanation of an invention for which exclusive rights are sought. Second, as an Intellectual Property right that allows its holder – or holders – to exclude others from using the claimed invention.
In Mexico, any invention can be patented if it meets three requirements: 1) novelty, 2) inventive step, and 3) industrial applicability. To determine if an innovation meets the requirements mentioned above, one must be aware of the state of the art of the invention. However, according to current regulations, a set of innovations cannot be patented.
At IP Consultores, we guide the acquisition, preservation, and renewal of patents before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) through the management of the following procedures:
- Patent Application.
- Patent Application under Chapter I of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (entry into the national phase).
- Patent Application under Chapter II of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (entry into the national phase).
- Supplementary Certificate Application.
- Payment of annual maintenance fee for patent rights.
- Application for compulsory license or modification of its conditions.
- Application for the reinstatement of an expired patent.
- Transformation of a patent application into an industrial design or utility model registration.
- Rectification of omissions from the substantive examination of a patent.
- Report on patent validity.
- Report on the validity of invention certificates.
- Processing of technological surveillance services.
- Processing of technological alert services.