
Contact Information: IP Consultores is located at Lacantún 6, Vista Azul, Postal Code 76080, Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro. For any clarification about processing your data, please get in touch with us at customerservice@propiedadintelectual.network or telephone (+52) 442 894 8478.

Type of Information Collected: At IP Consultores, we generally collect the following data, whether they are yours or belong to individuals involved in the matters we handle: full name, address, date of birth, nationality, email address, telephone number, CURP (Mexican personal identification number), professional license number, RFC (tax identification number), fiscal address, and banking information.

Method of Collection: At IP Consultores, we typically collect personal data during interviews with our clients, when analyzing the documents they provide, or by consulting databases related to the specific case.

Purpose of Collection: The processing of your data serves the various objectives of our services. In this regard, we consider the circumstances of the case for processing your data.

Legal Basis for Processing: The processing of personal data is carried out under the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and other applicable national and international regulations.

Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We do not use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect data on our website.

Sharing Information: Personal data is not transferred to any third party. The only exception is to comply with a competent authority’s duly founded and motivated requests.

Data Security: At IP Consultores, we have designed various security protocols to maintain the confidentiality of information. In the case of personal data, we implement a protocol to ensure compliance with current regulations.

User Rights: As the data subject, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (ARCO rights). You have the right to revoke the consent granted for the processing of your data, as well as to limit its use and disclosure.

Changes to the Policy: Our privacy policy may be modified or updated following current regulations. In this regard, we commit to inform you during the first communication following the modification or update of the privacy policy.

Privacy Policy
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